Rovic running to get to the Frisbee first |
Yesterday, we took my two little brothers to Kincaid School. They have a neat play ground and hill/field. Rovic, my 7 year old brother, loved it. He was running around a lot. He loves to run and I ran with him up and down the hill.. it was pretty much a work out. Justin, he's 11, played with Cory most of the time. They peppered with the volleyball and threw the frisbee. Justin is not only a genius, but he is athletic, with so much potential. He is so into the fashion these days, it is not even funny. I hope he does great things in life.
Anyways, back to Rovic, he just makes my day. Being that he is the baby of the family, he is pretty much dubbed as the cutest. I loved seeing him play around and go nuts. Makes me wish I had all that fun with no responsibilities nor worries again. He surprised me with his sweet frisbee throwing skills and his dribbling/ basketball skills. What a fun day with the boys!
Justin and Cory peppering in the field |
Rovic showing us his shooting skills |
Today Cory and I saw the movie Inception. It was long, but you just get sucked into it and don't realize the time. It had awesome effects, plus the story was intriguing. I'd say, go watch it. Better to watch it at home though in a nice comfortable home, because it is a 2.5 hour long movie. We also bought Cory a new sketch book and charcoal. Yes, he is drawing again. Actually he hasn't drawn seriously since he was in college, so 5-6 years ago. It makes me happy to see him draw. It is like we can connect through art. Me with photography, him with drawing. He decided his first drawing be a picture I took, which I think is an honor he wants to draw from my work.
Fun to have another blog to add to my Google Reader! You and Cory are such a happy looking couple, I love seeing you two together.