Beautiful Gorge |
Cory pulling us with help from kids |
Cory in the hand tram |
Us <3 with the gorge |
Today Cory and I drove down to Girdwood to hike to the Hand Tram. A friend of ours told us about it and I was pretty excited to check it out. Getting there was really easy. What you do is go south on the Seward Hwy, take a right on the Alyeska Hwy, which takes you into Girdwood. Go about 1.5 miles down and take a left at Crow Creek Mine Road (big yellow sign). Follow that road for about 3 miles and to the right will be the parking lot where the trail head with a bathroom is located. There will be a sign before the parking lot saying Winner Creek Trail or Hand Tram (I can't remember, but you will know). The hike was well kept, but there were mud patches here and there. The hike is about 1 mile to the hand tram. Easy. The Hand Tram was really fun to go on and you are suspended pretty high above the creek. You just get in the little cage and pull yourself across. If people are there, which there were, may help pull for you on the other side. After the Hand Tram we hiked about 1/4 mile to the pretty gorge. I had a lot of fun and really needed a touch of the outdoors. Yay!
Well I am off to make some filipino style spaghetti. It is delicious and more sweet than normal italian spaghetti. It's a favorite :) If you want the recipe, let me know. You won't be turned down.
I wish I hadnt seen these pictures =( It looks amazing there!! I cant believe I didnt just upped and go. Who are those people on the other side of the tram? I am so glad you got to experience it. Isn't it weird going somwhere like that when we have lived her our whole lives?!