It has been too long to ignore this blog. Not that I haven't ignored it, it is just that we have been THAT busy. We are officially done with our spring semester. Woohooo! We took our last final this afternoon. I cannot wait to celebrate this weekend. Just one more day at work and bring on the weekend. I have friends from high school that are graduating and I am so proud of them. I will graduate with a mathematics degree next fall, if all goes well. Cory and I have already signed up for summer classes. I am taking Calculus III and Probability. Cory is taking Biology Lab, Computer concepts in Business, Trigonometry, and Microeconomics. I am so proud of his studious self.
Since Cory and I have been doing a super job saving money, we decided to pay off the truck with some of our savings money. It feels great to finally pay off that truck! No more 400 dollar payments a month for that rig, it is officially ours. Except now, we will save 400 a month to compensate. At least we are not paying interest. Using one rig has been working great thus far. It definitely saves on gas, since gas prices are so nasty now.
Well, Cory's belly button is doing great. His recovery has been very smooth. It is now the end of week 4 after surgery and it probably won't be 100% healed for another 3 weeks. Although, he did get to go back to the gym and he has been taking it real slow. Doctor said to take the work out intensity gradually. Even though he may have a scar, he is still so perfect :) Cory's 27th birthday also passed, on the 14th. I bought him a sweet NorthFace backpack. Since, he is going to be a full time accounting student, he needed a nice backpack to lug around those heavy textbooks. It was between that or Blue Man Group tickets. I say the backpack is more important.

My adult volleyball league ended also. We had an end of the season tournament about two weeks ago. We were kicking butt all day. The games were tough and we pulled it out as Champions. We only had 6 people, so no subs. Cory couldn't play, but he came and took some sweet pictures at the championship match. Due to Cory's absence, we had to pick up another guy, John, from another team that wasn't participating. I was so glad to fill that hole. He was so awesome and he fit perfectly. I am so proud of my team. I am also so thankful for Superior Automotive for sponsoring us. I gave the owner the trophy and I hope it is somewhere in their shop. We also received sweatshirts for 1st place. I plan to make this team again for the fall or spring, whatever works for scheduling.
Action shot! |
Champs! |
In other news, at work, I had the opportunity to escape and help at Senior Fun Day. It is a day just for the Seniors to basically skip school officially. It is held at Kincaid Park. There was a DJ, kickball, softball, soccer, obstacle course, mechanical bull riding, giant boxing, gladiator games, and a BBQ. I helped hand out free shirts to the seniors. I had a lot of fun. My little brother is a senior, so it was great being there with him. Plus, I know a handful of seniors from coaching them in volleyball. It was a blast dancing around to the music and just being entertained by people battling in the boxing/jousting pits. I didn't want to leave, but I had to because of my final. The seniors were blessed with a sunny, bright day.
My brother and I at Senior Fun Day |
I am so sad to say that I am quitting my job at Dimond. It is not that I want to, it is just the choice I needed to make, so I can finish school. It is the most rewarding job ever, aside the drama from students. It was the best opportunity for me to see if I wanted to be a teacher and I believe education is so important. I want to be a person that will impact a teenagers life for the better. Working at Dimond has helped me figure out what I learn and teach best. It was down to science or math. Math won that battle. I will become a full time student in order to pursue my dreams of becoming a high school teacher. The principle said that I will surely have a spot back when I am ready to become a certified teacher. Who really knows, but at least I know I have a place to come back to. It felt awesome coming from her. She was so proud of me and I am so thankful for the supporting staff at Dimond. My last day at work will be May 20th, which is the official last day of school. Even though, I get mistaken for as a student, I will always be the baby of the staff. I hope they find someone that is awesome to replace me. I will surely miss working at Dimond.
Until Next time!
Future Events
-Cory will be taking his Personal Training Certification Exam May 3rd
-Gly will be holding Open Gym Volleyball after work starting next week
-Norielle, my brother, will be graduating from high school May 9th, yay!
-Fishing in Yakutat Trip with Banan&Crystal May 27-May 30
You're so great, my baby...I'm always proud of you. Keep up the good work. You and Cory both have a good teamwork. You are doing the best you can. Good job! We love you always...
ReplyDeleteSo loved reading your blog as always!!! I didn't know you'd be quitting Dimond job. I have know doubt they will miss you, both students and staff!!! You will be hard to replace I'm sure! SUPER though how you have a plan to get that teaching certificate!! Your hard work will pay off soon!!! :o) Love the volleyball action shot and glad to hear Cory's belly button is healing!! SUPER glad to hear he's taking it easy on his workouts, but I highly suspect he's not completely listening to the dr.'s orders!! LOL GREAT job you guys on paying off that truck too. Wish I could say the same thing!!! Well love and miss you guys!! But oh sooooooo proud of you both!!! :o)
ReplyDeleteGLY! you are so awesome! so happy that you both survived another semester!!!! i had so much fun playing volleyball with you both this semester and am so looking forward to summer leauge!!!!