Friday, January 21, 2011

The ball is rolling

Cory and I just got back from snowboarding at Hill Top.  It was a great Friday night activity and we had fun.  I liked how it wasn't so busy because we went for the last two hours of operation.  The weather was perfect with no wind chill and about 25 degrees Fahrenheit.  I just enjoyed it and I still can't wait until we hit up Alyeska with our one night stay in the hotel out there.

Now that classes have started at UAA, life has been busy, yet again.  I hope to get all A's this semester.  I have more time for school work now that volleyball season isn't taking up lots of my time.  Cory is taking 3 classes, which is 9 credits.  He is taking biology, accounting, and a management course.  I am taking 2 classes and 1 lab, being 8 credits.  I am in calculus II, computer programing, and a chemistry lab.  Our classes are at the same times, so it is working out perfect with our one vehicle.  We've saved a good chunk of money, in fact, more than we have ever saved in our lives.  We don't need another vehicle at the moment, but when we do, we will be prepared to throw money down for one.  Too bad we can't use that money for an amazing vacation.

Anyways, work is going really good.  I am helping out in a lot of the same classes.  I only have two switches on my schedule.  This semester, the new classes I am helping out in are a food science class and, my favorite, a photography class.  I was glad to help out in the photography class and I love teaching the kids how to use Photoshop and talk about photographs.  The teacher I am helping was also my former photography teacher. I think the perfect job would be a photography teacher, for me.  Teaching + photography = photography teacher = awesome!  Well, we will see.  I still enjoy the sciences and would love to teach that once I get my degree.

Other than that, we started playing volleyball for adult league on Sundays.  It is a blast and I am glad I picked the certain people for my team.  We are sponsored by Superior Automotive, which is owned by one of my coworkers.  She was generous enough to help pay for the expensive team fees for us, which in turn we got their name on our jersey.  Right now we are 4 - 0.  We are rocking it and we have a tournament on the 30th. We are anticipating first place.

In closing, here are two HDR images I edited.  The top one is one I took in Oregon on Twin Rocks beach.  Cory took the bottom picture of Turnagain Arm in the fall.  I did my best to make them look like an HDR image.  I am awaiting for my new camera, the Canon 40D.  I won it on ebay for $770.00 and it comes with a lens, extra battery, and a memory card.  On amazon the best used price I found was for $945, so I did good.  I am very excited for its arrival.  Thanks Cory for that birthday present.

Until next time <3

1 comment:

  1. As reading about the two of you. Sounds like everythings going well!! Sure wish I could be one of your students in your photography class!!! You know how hard it is for me to even work my "Coolpix" camera!! LOL Neat about the adult volleyball team doing well AND having fun!!! Keep it up guys!!!

