Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ice Storm

Today I woke up and was ready to jump in the shower.  Then I thought to check the internet on my iPhone in hopes work was cancelled due to the ice road conditions.  Yesterday going to work was pretty bad.  The roads were horrible and scary.  People were getting stuck in ditches left and right.  UAA campus was closed and I had a feeling if conditions worsen or stay the same, there will probably be an ice day.  Well, Alaska never has cancellations due to weather, unless the roads get TOO icy.  There could be 7 feet of snow and school/businesses would still open.  Hopefully tomorrow there will be a closure and that would make me have a 6 day weekend, awesome!  I definitely have Thanksgiving and Friday off, but having tomorrow off would be such a treat.  Even if I have to go to work tomorrow, it will be an easy day and it will feel like a Friday.

For todays agenda at least:  Stay inside hang out with hubby and do some studying.  If we had ice skates, we could probably cruise around the streets ;-)

Here are some pictures I took from the Anchorage Daily News site of how horrible the roads are.

EDIT:  It is 4:44PM and I just looked at the Anchorage School District website.  We have tomorrow off too! Yes!  6 day weekend! Yeehaw!

1 comment:

  1. YUCKY roads up where you guys are that's for sure. Glad I don't have to drive in them! I don't like driving on our semi slippery roads!! We're still waiting to see if we have school tomorrow or not. If we do it's only a half day, and we have TONS of kiddos already going to be gone, so if you ask me........what's the use. :o) Though....district office never makes their decision on my opinion. LOL Enjoy the time inside with Cory. :o)
