Whoa. Where did November go? I can't believe this month is almost over. I thought time was supposed to go slower now that I am not coaching volleyball anymore. Anyways, I will have a three day week at work this week and I am so glad! After the 4 day weekend, we will have a 3 week shoot until the two week Christmas break. Gotta love the days off working for the school district, which I really enjoy. I can't wait to become a teacher and have my own classroom. The only tough part about teaching is the unmotivated and back talking teens, but other than that, it is so fun to teach and watch students learn. I have planned out that if I take 8 classes per year, I will be done with school in 3 years. Which seems like a long time, but time moves so fast and by then I will only be 25. If I could take more classes a year, I would, but work isn't letting me with their hours. Once I obtain my bachelors, it will take me 1-2 more years to get a masters and certificate for secondary teaching, which puts me at about 26 or 27 years old to have my own classroom. Most of the teachers I work with didn't start teaching until they were 26-28. So I don't feel so bad under their wing as a teacher assistant. That is probably a great time to settle, even though I wish we had more money now. Life will continue to be busy for awhile, but as long as I keep my stress level down and switch up activities, then life is good.
Cory got his results from his IBEW interview and he ranked 51 out of 200. I look at it as top 25%, but at the same time, that looks so far from the top 10. Companies take apprentices according to rank and if they need more workers. For example if a company needed 4 apprentices, then they would take the top 4 out of that 200. Right now it is pretty dead for work, being that it is winter. They said in March, things start getting busy and Cory might get called to be an apprentice, if they end up needing 51 people. Oh, just another waiting game. I don't know what to think, but Cory has tried to get a good job. We knew this was going to be the risk to take when he switched from active duty to reserves. I tell myself it is not my fault, but I continue to feel like it is my fault he is in this jobless position. He reassures me that it is not and he chose to switch and wanted more control of his life.
Right now our hope lands on him getting that civilian job on base. If he could only get his job back when he was active duty. They are trying to hook him up, but only time will tell. Time, faith and hope. He has applied every time his ex-shop has had an opening. I really hope it can work out, because that job is our best bet. If he lands it, he can continue to work on his retirement. He already put in 5 years. If he starts a non-federal job, he would have to start back at zero years. Plus he would get a great hourly wage, where we can afford to buy a house and I can go to school full-time. I am trying not to lose faith here, but it would really help if Cory can get his armament mechanic job back. I am glad he is persistent though.
Well, Cory and I signed up at the gym called Powerhouse. The base gym was way to far. Here are our calculations:
1. Base gym took 20 mins to get there and back home, which is 40 minutes for travel.
2. Going 5 days a week (Cory), in one month all that gas going to the base gym equaled a tank of gas ($75-80).
3. Powerhouse costs $69/month and it only takes us 5 minutes to get there.
Conclusion: Saved about 10 bucks a month and saved 40 minutes of our time on base gym vs powerhouse. Win!
I am slowly getting back into working out again. So far I am only 3 days a week, which is perfect. Right now I am trying to round up some people to play on my team for adult league volleyball. I am close to a full roster, but I need one more person that can play middle. We plan on playing reverse coed and I am so glad to have not only my friends play, but also my hubby play with me again. I also need to find a business that will sponsor our team because the entry fee alone is $450 for 16 matches. Then on top of that each player needs to pay $55 to play. We also need to make jerseys and I am hoping a business will sponsor us and we can wear their logo. Well, I have until Dec. 3 to get a sponsor and one more player or else we are paying out of our pockets and I hope we don't have to do that!
Other than that this weekend was fun. Thursday, I had dinner with the varsity volleyball team and other coaches at Chili's. They just won their third state championship and it is amazing for our program. They played against South, which was the team that was undefeated all season and took first in every tournament. Except, on that night, November 13, the Dimond girls beat them to take the state title. Whoohoo! It is great. I am so happy for those girls. Looking for a "four-peat" next year. Friday, Cory and I drove to Wasilla to have dinner with our friends that live out there. They have two boys and they are so cute/fun. We also watched two movies in a row. What bums we were. Yesterday Cory and I ran a bunch of errands then went to Banan & Crystals house to watch the UFC fights. Banan works on the slope and he is dating one of my high school classmates, Crystal. Then today they came back over and we watched a movie called, Ip Man, a martial arts movie, and had Chinese food. Yummy. Which reminds me, we are going to spend Thanksgiving with my family to eat not only turkey, but a lot of Filipino food. Score! Until next time! <3