October 9: My C-Team girls had a tournament out in Chugiak. They played so amazing and we won every game. The girls deserved their First Place status in the Gold pool. We had a lot of fun and one of the parents even bought pizza for the victorious day. I am so proud of them!
October 10: I took senior photos of a girl named Hillary Vilareall, graduating from Service High School. I took her older sisters pictures back in 2008, so this was a great opportunity. She plans on being an architect. Here are some of her pictures.
October 12: We had a game out in the valley against Chugiak. We barely beat them. Scores were 26-24 and 25-23. I believe the girls were getting a little too comfortable with their winning streaks and they knew it. I wasn't too impressed with how they played, but I am glad we squeezed out a win in that one.
October 15: We had Breast Cancer Awareness night for a home game against Bartlett. Lots of Pink. The day before, the girls and I tye dyed t-shirts and socks to prepare for the night. The girls had a lot of fun tye-dying and they looked great with their own made shirts. The night was great because the girls played the best game all season. The scores were 25-9, 25-6. What a hoot! Cory wore a pink cape one of the girls made, too bad I didn't document that, but I did document Cory holding a parrot. It was an in-service day at work and one of my coworkers brought his parrot in while he did grades. The parrot liked to say "whats up" a lot.
Anyways, it was a Dimond High sweep. C, JV and Varsity all won their games against Bartlett. Here is a picture of the coaches. Left to right, Cory, Me, Kim Lauwers-head coach, Stan Afoa-JV coach, Rachel Swenson-other Cteam coach, and Cyndi Addington-volunteer coach. Gotta get a kick out of Stan's hair!
This weekend was a nice relaxing weekend with no volleyball. Cory and I went window shopping for a LED flat screen TV. We decided we want a bigger TV in the living room and put the 32" LCD in our room. After a lot of research and looking around, our knowledge of TVs grew. We knew the difference between plasma, LED and LCD. Also, we know about resolution and refresh rates. We found a great deal at Sams Club, going for a Hitachi 42" LED 120Hz 1080p, and pretty excited to own it soon. We are still debating to buy it at the moment after all that hunting. Only because we are down to "Do we REALLY need it?".
I have a busy busy week ahead of me with a chemistry exam tomorrow, two volleyball games, senior night, and a tournament to run next weekend. Woohoo. Last push of volleyball season <3
LOVE the pictures, and would have LOVED to have seen Cory in a pink cape!! Somewhere there's a picture of him dressed up like a cute "bunny rabbit". I think he was even in high school when he did it!!! :o) YAH for all your volleyball team. They must have one rockin' coach!!! :o)