Wednesday, March 4, 2009

8 months of happiness

Today is the mark of Cory and I being together for 8 months! Very exciting. I absolutely love him with everything I have. Life is so uplifting with him. He really is not just the man of my dreams, but also my best friend. I believe that is important. He gets me & I get him. We even say things at the same time sometimes, or think the same thing simultaneously. I love how our souls are so similar. He is the love of my life.

So this morning I decided to take on yoga for the first time. My friend Chelsea invited me and I could not turn it down. It was so relaxing and so relieving. All day I have felt this great equal energy. Also, less tension on my brain from midterms and such. I am going to go again on Friday. Classes are 3 days a week at the Alaska club in the mornings! Great way to start a day.

Well work was fine. It felt like it went by really fast because the next thing I knew, I was home, taking a shower and getting ready to head to the Sullivan Arena to meet my boyfriend at the Alaska Fighting Championships. We watched our two buddies fight, Maurice and Terrance, not against each other. They are brothers and they totally kicked ass! I am very proud of them. Then when we got home, I rubbed his calf muscles because he has been standing literally all day for his 12 hour shift. Oh those evil shifts!

...I am taking an online class. It is nutrition and having this online class is killer! I have had no time for it. I do the discussions every week which are worth points, but I have not read the book and the midterm is this Saturday. I am so not prepared. My other 3 classes, work, working out, boyfriend/family have given me no time to study for nutrition. I will take the midterm and if I do horrible, I am dropping it. On another note, I do have my first stats exam tomorrow morning... which I will study for right now.

Last good news--my truck will finally get dropped off at the shop tomorrow! Yippy! I need that girl fixed and sexy again!

Buenos noches!

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