Sunday, February 5, 2012

February Air

So, it has been 3 weeks in working out with Cory and I feel like my body has been making good progress.   I feel like I'm getting stronger and my stomach is feeling flatter.  I also, have more energy during the days, which is awesome.  I don't think working out exhausts me as much as school does.  I usually end up breaking down Wednesday nights because I am so exhausted from homework.  My brain power shuts down, like running on empty.  Cory always keeps my spirits up by telling me I am doing a good job with focusing on school so much.  I want super good grades this semester, because last semester was rough coaching volleyball and going to school.  He knows how important school is to me.

Anyways, Cory pushes and encourages me everyday we work out and I love it.  I am currently super sore on my whole back.  I have been sore before badly, but having your whole back sore, is something else.  Especially when you use your whole back for pretty much any daily activity like sitting, standing, walking, etc.  Tomorrow will be the start of week 4 working out together in the mornings.  I am so proud of myself!  It is nice to do something together everyday, since all I do is go to class and do homework during the weekdays.  Cory will usually go to the gym again at night while I am doing homework, so the place is nice and quiet.  Good for him :)  He is an animal.

Every weekday morning goes like this:

6:30 or 7:30AM: Depends what day it is to wake up due to class in the morning
Breakfast:  1 toasted cinnamon raisin bread with crunchy peanut butter, honey, and banana slices on top with a glass of orange juice or water
Vitamins:  Multivitamin, CLA, Flaxseed, probiotics
Gym time for an hour:
around 10 minutes of cardio for warm up
around 50 minutes weights
Post workout meal:  Protein shake with eggs, orange juice, milk, yogurt, frozen fruit

So anyways, we started rock climbing last weekend.  We went again this weekend too and we plan on going probably once a week during the weekends.  It is so fun.  It sure works you out though.  My back and, especially, forearms get quite the work out.  We've invited friends both times because it is just a great activity to do for all.  We've mainly focused on bouldering, which is climbing without a harness, but you don't go very high.  Bouldering is very technical.  There are routes on the walls guided by tape color.  Each route is marked in the beginning that determines what level that route is.  The levels start at V0, which is the easiest of holds, to V16, which is pretty much tiny pinch holds.  Right now, I feel pretty comfortable with V3 and I want to get better.  As the levels go up, the more logic and skill is needed to climb such routes.  We have been to AK Rock Gym and Cassell Rock.  Our next place to check out is the APU rock gym.  Each gym has a different aura and different routes marked.  Although, rock gyms usually change routes, probably, weekly.  Here is a sweet picture I photoshopped of us climbing.  All Cory's idea, but my photoshop skills.

This weekend we also got to play some poker with our friends, Banan, Derek and Crystal at Banan's house.  We went to dinner Friday for sushi and poker became a subject and we decided we should all play after dinner. Well this was my first time playing without any help.  Thank goodness I took STAT307 at UAA, because that helped me memorize all the hands and in what order they go in.  In that class we had to find the probably of each hand using fractions and combinations.  It was pretty cool.  The first time I have played was with Cory back in 2009 with his friends.  He helped me out a lot, but this time, I was solo.  He was proud of me for winning some hands, which was sweet!  Sometimes it got pretty intense.

So at Banan's house, we played 3 games.  We made out making some money in the first round, but the next two rounds we lost too much money.  Woops!  Should of stopped after round one.  But you just get so excited and hope to win some more.  I would love to play again.  Eventually, you just have to start being a good liar because the probabilities are so low.
Poker night with the Tarrs!  Banan making a silly face.
Well, now I will close.  Time to do some homework.  I pretty much do mathematics homework everyday.  It never ends and some days it depresses me, because I'd rather be doing something else.  Thank goodness Cory encourages me when I am down.  5 more classes to go after this semester.  The goal is so close, yet so far!  Oh, I forgot to mention it snowed like 18 inches this Saturday too.

Upcoming events:
- Gly is photographing a wedding on the 11th in Wasilla
- Cory has weekend duty 11th and 12th
- Going to Alyeska for a night on the 18th
